Penn State University and Centre County United Way... always a Winning Team!
Penn State University occupies a unique and vital fundraising role with the annual Centre County United Way Campaign. The Penn State Campaign consistently brings in over 40% of the total United Way dollars. This is money raised from University employees who supported United Way through employee giving and special event fundraisers, such as PSU IT Annual Golf Tournament, Liberal Arts Office Olympics, and more. WE ARE grateful to be the Charity of Choice for Penn State faculty and staff.
Penn State maintains an active Centre County United Way Steering Committee and contributes innumerable in-kind support services. On behalf of the partner agencies and collaboratives funded by Centre County United Way, we extend our profound thanks and appreciation to Penn State and their employees for their ongoing and committed support.
For news and other campaign announcements visit the PSU United Way Campaign Blog
Centre County United Way and Penn State University have always been a winning team. Penn State Employees can access the University's donation page here: https://unitedway.psu.edu/