Save The Date: October 8, 2024

 Experience this once in a lifetime opportunity to rappel down one of the most iconic locations in Happy Valley - Beaver Stadium!


OTE Registration Page

Media Attention for Over The Edge Penn State 2023:

2024 Sponsorship Opportunities 

Presenting Sponsor:

Ground Party Sponsor:

VIP Day Sponsor:

Tee Shirt Sponsor:

Rope Sponsor(s):

Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology

Ground Party Sponsor(s):

Lodging Partner:

Media Partner:

In Kind Supporters:


WHAT: Centre County United Way in partnership with Penn State are thrilled to host an Over The Edge community-wide event. Over The Edge is a special events company that provides signature events for non-profit organizations around the world. Business leaders, individuals, and community members are invited to raise donations in exchange for the experience of going over the edge of a prominent building. This unique event generates front page news, raises thousands of dollars and provides participants with a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

WHERE: Home to 107k Penn State Football Fans and the Greatest Show in College Sports™ - Beaver Stadium, University Park, Pa.

WHY: Centre County United Way believes that Health, Education, and Financially Stability are the basic building blocks for happy life and a strong community. Our mission is to ensure all Centre County residents have access to the essentials. 1 in 4 Centre County Residents rely on United Way funded programs. In Centre County 15% of households are below the federal poverty line. An additional 31% fall into the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) population. ALICE are working families and individuals, who earn more than the federal poverty line and are still struggling. In total, 46% of our neighbors were facing challenges in meeting their basic needs. The impact of the pandemic and the economy has resulted in a rising number of ALICE households. A strong, happy, healthy, thriving community improves the lives of all its residents. Now more than ever, our neighbors need our support. 

WHO: This opportunity is open to any qualifying participants who complete their fundraising requirements. 

HOW: Interested participants can register at: https://give.overtheedge.events/oteuwcc2024?ref=ab_aCDYb1 and start their fundraising efforts today!

Included in your experience:

  • Goodie Bag
  • Photos of your experience
  • (1) Over The Edge Penn State Tee Shirt

Incentives for exceptional fundraising:

More to follow soon, check back for updates!

First Choice Fundraisers:

  • The top two individual fundraisers may choose when they go Over The Edge. So, you can be among the first two of the day, the final two, or somewhere in between!

Interested in sponsorship opportunities with high visibility and exposure? Check our sponsorship opportunities!

Top Performing Fundraisers:

  • The top two individual fundraisers will also receive two (2) tickets each to attend the PSU vs UCLA game at Beaver Stadium on Saturday October 5. Thanks to our partners at PSECU

This page will be updated periodically with additional information and resources as we launch this event. Check back for more details! Or if you have any questions contact: Ja Nae Wian, Campaign and Relationship Manager at janae@ccunitedway.org