Welcome to your 2024
Centre County United Way
Workplace Campaign!
Everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive. That’s why United Way mobilizes the caring power of neighbors, businesses, and community partners to lead transformational change here in Centre County.
In 2023, thanks to the generous spirit of Centre County residents, businesses, and Penn State, 51,225 of our neighbors benefited from programs funded through Centre County United Way donations. Your support provided access to programs that focus on Education, Financial Stability, and Health.
Roughly 1 in 4 Centre County Residents have been touched by a United Way Funded Program. All thanks to the compassion of caring individuals like YOU!
From strengthening local resilience to advancing health, youth opportunity, and financial security, we’re working towards a future where everyone can reach their full potential.
Join us in Leading the Way to a better future for all.
2023 Your Company Campaign Note
As a 2023 Champion level supporter, YOUR COMPANY cares deeply about our community and the quality of life that makes Centre County unique. Our long history of support earns us recognition at the Centre County United Way.
United Way focuses resources to provide solutions for our community's most pressing problems We work to provide access to the building blocks of a healthy life: health, education, and financial stability to every person in Centre County.
Through our contributions, we can make sure help is there for families, co-workers, and friends. United Way assures that a broad range of services is available to help people be independent and self-sufficient.
Workplace Campaigns and Corporate Donations account for more than 1/3 of our total funds raised annually. Your participation and contribution makes a huge positive impact on our community!