Centre Helps
Centre Helps navigates the local safety net for our friends and neighbors in need. Whether in crisis or struggling to make ends meet, community members can always find help through the talented staff and volunteers at Centre Helps. We connect those in need with resources through our 24/7 hotline, text, chat, and drop-in hours. We all have friends who are suffering in silence. Our well-trained, compassionate team transitions those friends and neighbors from crisis to stability. Centre Helps improves the quality of life in our community, empowering those in crisis or need.
410 South Fraser Street
State College, PA 16801
Tel: 814-237-5855
Fax: 814-272-1543
Web Site: www.centrehelps.org
E Mail: info@centrehelps.org
Help Line: 800-494-2500
Denise Herr McCann, Executive Director
Tel: 814-272-1542
E Mail: denisem@centrehelps.org