Child Development & Family Council of Centre County
Provides the following services to Centre County families: Child care and education programs for children from 6 weeks through middle school; scholarship funding through the Centre County Child Care and Education Safety Net Program for Children and Youth for CDFC Child Care Services; free State funded Pre-Kindergarten programs; early intervention programs for preschool age children; administration and funding for the PA Department of Public Welfare, Office of Child Development and Early Learning Subsidized Child Day Care Program of Centre County; free information, resource and referral for people who are looking for child day care services; and early childhood consultation services which includes training, technical assistance and collaboration for those who work in child day care.
2565 Park Center Boulevard, Suite 100
State College, PA 16801
Office Hours: 8:30am – 5pm
Tel: 814-238-5480
Fax: 814-238-2765
Web Site: www.cdfc.org
Ann Walker, Executive Director
E Mail: awalker15@cdfc.org